Select the link 'Print Homestead Exemption Form'. You may search for your account by owner, by account or by address. The Residence Homestead Exemption Application form is available from the details page of your account. We are dedicated to serving the citizens of this community in an equal, uniform, and respectful manner ensuring that property taxation in. Click the BLUE property address link to view the details of your account. The district appraises property according to the Texas Property Tax Code and the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practices (USPAP). Cameron Appraisal District is responsible for appraising property for the purpose of ad valorem property tax assessment on behalf of the local governing bodies in Cameron County. Nueces County Appraisal District is responsible for appraising all real and business personal property within Nueces County. Property Search > 133376 RENTERIA RODOLFO & GUADALUPE for Year 2019. Within this site you will find general information about the District and the ad valorem property tax system in Texas, as well as information regarding specific properties within the district.